The collection "Foucault meets Latour," edited by Simon Ganahl and Patrick Kilian, attempts to confront but also connect the thought of Michel Foucault and Bruno Latour. Equally interested in the question of modernity, both thinkers developed theoretical frameworks and conceptual toolboxes in order to analyze what it means or meant to be modern. The special issue was planned as a comparison of Foucault's archaeological Order of Things (1966) and Latour's anthropological Modes of Existence (2012), but transformed into a much broader exploration discovering a variety of linkages between their works. Discussing actor-network theory and dispositif analysis, the so-called post-factual age, the technological unconscious, as well as posthuman approaches to sociology, "Foucault meets Latour" has become an ongoing multicentric debate rather than the reconstruction of an intellectual dialogue.
Latour, Foucault und das Postfaktische: Zur Rolle und Funktion von Kritik im Zeitalter der "Wahrheitskrise"
Matthias Flatscher and Sergej Seitz
2018-07-13 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 1–30
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ANT goes dispositif: Überlegungen zu einer methodischen Verschränkung von Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie und Dispositivanalyse
Tanja Gnosa
2018-07-06 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 1–31
Also a part of:
Vom Wahr- und Wahnsprechen des technologisch Unbewussten
Clemens Apprich
2018-10-18 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 1–20
Also a part of:
Ist eine nicht-anthropozentrische Soziologie denkbar? Die Soziologie als anthropologische Humanwissenschaft bei Foucault und Latours Gegenentwurf
Gustav Roßler
2018-10-27 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 1–26
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